Is it bad to veneer healthy teeth?
Posted by: Jodie Blades Diploma Level 3 in Dental Nursing
Medically reviewed by: Dr Shan Lam BDS (Bris)

”Once you get veneers they're irreversible and require maintenance
Veneers have become an increasingly popular treatment option to transform smiles, quickly! Before you consider if it is bad to veneer natural teeth, you need to ask yourself; “What am I trying to achieve?”.
Your dentist will need to file away a layer of enamel in order to create a retentive shape and surface for the veneer to be placed. With teeth that are well aligned a lesser amount of enamel can be removed. Teeth that are extremely crowded and twisted may require much more enamel to be removed. Cutting away natural tooth tissue cannot be reversed and there are many other treatments to makeover your smile, but whether veneers are a wholly bad idea depends on your desired result and the position your teeth are in to begin with.
If you have exhausted all tooth whitening options or you’re really looking for the cosmetic veneer smile then it is probably a suitable treatment option for you. Enamel pitting, scaring and discolourations can be very naturally restored using lab-made and directly bonded veneers. The latter is less destructive but can require a bit more maintenance with regards to staining and polishing. Veneers can be a good idea for natural teeth that are greying due to loss of vitality and root canal teeth which cannot reach the same shade as other whitened enamel.
If your smile is crooked and your bite it misaligned the treatment options with veneers can be limited to space that’s available and how much enamel can be safely removed. Quite often we would suggest a combination of invisible braces followed by veneers for patients wishing to fully transform a crooked smile.
How long do they last?
Benefits to veneers
- They do not stain
- They can improve tooth shape and size
- Gum tissue tolerates porcelain very well
- They are low maintenance with regard to polishing and debonding
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