GDPR | General Data Protection Regulation
New Data Law | Changes to your Personal Data
On 25th May 2018 The Data Protection Act 1998 will be replaced by the Data Protection Bill and The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Our commitment to protecting your data will never change and remains our priority. Due to the upcoming changes in data regulations we’ve reorganised our Privacy Policy to make it easier to read and to address new global requirements.
Do I need to do anything?
Yes, if you are happy for us to continue to text, call, email & post to you with regard to your care, treatment and treatment plans, appointments and billing,
please click here to reaffirm your consent.
No, if you have already completed the consent form.
You must do this before 25th May 2018.
We want you to understand your right to control the use of your personal data, your right to access & amend your data and our obligations to you.
You should read our Privacy Policy in full but the key updates include;
Transparency, Control & Consent
As ever, we rely on your consent to process your personal data. But, consent can no longer be assumed as it was not withdrawn. Consent must now be affirmative, transparent and freely given.
Where we obtain consent, we will be specific and granular in both; our intent and to what you are consenting to. This is to allow you to consent separately to different purposes and types of processing wherever appropriate.
You may amend your preferences and withdraw your consent at any time.
Accuracy & Access
You have the right to access your personal data. You can make an access request in person, over the telephone, and via post or email – we will respond to your request within a month.
You can make amendments to your personal data at any time, and we must update it in a timely fashion.
Purpose Limitation & Data Minimisation
We will only collect the personal information that is required in order for us to provide our care to you and to operate our dental practice.
We will process that data for the purposes for which it was collected – to carry out your dental treatment, to send you appointment reminders and contact you about the ‘nitty-gritty’ like billing and to let you know about our dental services that you may have a legitimate interest in.
Sharing & Accountability
In order for us to make sure you receive the highest standard of care it will sometimes be necessary for us to refer you to and share your personal data with other dental clinics/services.
We will share your personal data with our Data Processors. The GDPR requires us to be accountable for whom we share your data with and to ensure our Data Processors to protect your personal data with the same diligence that we do. Our Data Processors include; Dental Laboratories, Website Developers (they host the platform that our online submission forms are on), Accountants (they process the Practice’s payment reports), and our Dental Software Cloud.
We may also share your personal data to protect your vital interest; with medical staff such as your GP and/or paramedics.
We will share your personal data with insurance companies with whom you have made claim.
Sharing your personal data may also be necessary for us to comply with the law, to protect someone’s life, for us to perform a task in the public interest or for our official functions, and the task or function has a clear basis in law.
We will never share or sell your data to a third-party for marketing or analysis.
Any data Google Analytics or Social Media Pixels process is anonymised and is not personally identifiable.
Security & Storage
We will ensure that we have all of the necessary physical and digital measures in place to protect your personal data and to make sure it is kept secure and confidential.
We will not keep your data for any longer than necessary for us to provide our care to you, and we will delete/securely destroy any data we no longer need to keep.
Please CLICK HERE to reaffirm your consent preferences.
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