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What are the links between General Health and Dental Health?

General health
Mar 19 2021

What are the links between General Health and Dental Health?

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Medically reviewed by: Dr Shan Lam BDS (Bris)

Did you know that gum disease is the most widespread chronic disease, despite the fact that it is highly and easily preventable!

The links between your general health and dental health are undeniable. A build-up of bacteria caused by dental disease can increase your risk of other kinds of disease and serious health problem across your body.

dental health
“The link between oral health and overall health is well documented and backed up by robust scientific evidence. Despite this, only one in six people realises that people with gum disease may have an increased risk of stroke or diabetes. And only one in three is aware of the heart disease link” ~ Dr Nigel Carter, CEO British Dental Health Foundation. 

What are the dangers?

Inefficient brushing and flossing to remove plaque, food debris and bacteria leads to gum disease. Gum disease can cause inflamed and bleeding gums. If left untreated it could progress to periodontitis and gum recession, tooth loss and bad breath.

In patients who are susceptible to gum disease, the body can overreact and cause too much inflammation. In others, the inflammation doesn’t clear up properly and as a result, it affects the bloodstream. It is possible that slowly, over time, untreated dental disease could damage blood vessels in the heart and the brain.

Science has proven links between dental bacteria and many general health problems.

  • Heart Disease and Heart Attacks
  • Diabetes and it’s control
  • Stroke
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Problems in Pregnancy
  • Dementia
  • Sepsis

general health

Heart Disease and Heart Attacks

Inflamed and bleeding gums will progress to periodontal disease if left untreated. Periodontal bacteria can release toxins into the bloodstream and form fatty plaques in the arteries. These plaque deposits can lead to serious problems, such as blood clots, which can block blood flow. Additionally, the presence of these bacteria will cause the liver to produce proteins which inflame the blood vessels. Inflammation could eventually lead to a heart attack and other heart diseases.

Gingivitis can progress into varying stages of periodontitis at different rates for different people. Therefore, it’s important to stay on top of your oral health with dental examinations and routine dental hygiene appointments. Your dentist and hygienist will set an appropriate recall for you specifically in order to keep a handle on your gum health.


Your diabetes will have an effect on your dental health! If you have diabetes you need to be mindful of your blood sugar levels and understand the implications of poor control and high blood sugar levels.  If you have poor control of your blood glucose levels you are more likely to develop dental health problems. High blood sugar levels may affect the time the gums take to heal and increase your risk of developing dental diseases like gingivitis and decay.

General health


There is a long history of links between dental health and dementia. Yet, a late study is the first to actually pinpoint bacteria from the mouth in the brains of people with dementia. The constant activation of the immune system puts it under strain and long-term inflammation can cause premature ageing and disease.


A 2018 Study in the US has strengthened the evidence of a link between gum disease and increased risk for future stroke, showing a graded relationship with the extent of gum disease and stroke risk, and in addition found that regular dental care was associated with a lower stroke risk.

“It appears that good dental hygiene can do more than just keep your teeth and gums healthy — it may also lower your risk of heart disease and stroke,” Dr Souvik Sen, MD, University of South Carolina School of Medicine.

periodontitisPeriodontal disease is a chronic inflammatory disease caused by bacterial colonization that affects the soft and hard structures that support the teeth, which is graded by severity. As previously mentioned, the periodontal bacteria can enter the bloodstream causing thickening of plaques in your arteries. This also becomes a risk factor for stroke.

The study concluded, ‘The more severe your gum disease, the more increased the risk of stroke.’

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is an auto-immune disease caused when the body mistakenly attacks healthy tissue. These same periodontal bacteria drive the production of proteins, which initiate this attacking response.  Rheumatoid arthritis can takes years and even decades to develop. By this time, it is too late to treat the periodontal disease that’s caused the attacking response. So, a diligent oral hygiene regime not only protects your teeth but your overall general health!

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